Traditional Programming vs Machine Learning

Traditional Programming vs Machine Learning

  Machine Learning in Python

Summary: Traditional programming is fundamentally different from conventional programming. In Traditional programming, the program uses data in a logical way to achieve a task. Machine learning uses data to arrive at a logic that can further be used to predict patterns .

Conventional Program

Here are some examples of conventional programs

  • Java or PHP code rendering web pages
  • C++ or Java programs running behind ATMs
  • Javascript rendering markup on your browser

In all of these class of programs, the programmer codes the logic into the program. Based on the situation (data), the logic weaves through the program to perform some actions.

Conventional program
Conventional program

Machine Learning Program

The program that we have seen in the Machine Learning demo is a good example of a machine learning program. We haven’t coded a fixed logic into the program – instead the program is designed in such a way that the algorithm derives the logic based on the data. Once we got the logic, we can use further data to arrive at the results.

Machine Learning Program

Machine Learning Program

The first set of data is called the training data and we validate that using the test data. Once we fine-tune the logic, we can apply it further on real scenarios.